White Paper: Questionnaire Design

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You Will Learn:

  • Methods to cut costs and maximize response through solid survey design
  • The most effective ways to ask questions
  • How the newest technologies are changing the face of questionnaire design
  • Questionnaire design tips, including how to lessen respondent boredom

Translating Information Needs Into Intelligence

Why do you need expert questionnaire design? Because an effective questionnaire successfully translates the intelligence needs of the researcher into questions that respondents are both willing and able to answer.

When properly executed, the right questionnaire can boost response rates and markedly decrease overall research costs. Think of a properly designed questionnaire as the gatekeeper to your survey process. If the gateway is faulty or poor in design, then errors, false responses and corrupt data can find its way into your research. This white paper will introduce you to easy-to-execute concepts that will help you create more expert questionnaires to serve your survey research needs.

Survey research provides organizations of all kinds with insights that help them drive progress. For example, in 2005, WorldVision—a leading Christian-based charity that helps relief victims and needy children in nearly 100 countries—invested in a survey questionnaire to learn about donors’ motivations for giving.

The results of this survey drove the creation of a customized direct mail campaign tailored to act on the information learned.

  • World Vision’s survey ultimately led to an increase in revenue of 23% over the original goal, totaling over $997,000.00 raised.

Saving Costs Through Good Questionnaire Design

Actionable, useful research results aren’t the only reasons why good questionnaire design is critical. Improperly designed questionnaires can lead to…

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