Retail Market Research

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Use Retail Market Research To Keep Up with Your Changing Industry

From slower economic growth to rapidly changing consumer shopping behavior and preferences, retailers today have an especially challenging operational environment. All the more reason you must stay on top of retail consumer attitudes, opinions and choices. Retail market research surveys are an economical way to measure customer opinions, measure industry and market trends, and help serve as a platform for the development of new channels, products and services.

Infosurv specializes in affordable and user-friendly retail market research surveys. Our retail market research professionals are experienced in assisting organizations of all sizes to collect information to serve retailers in meeting their operational and strategic challenges. Implementing a retail market research survey can save your organization time and money by:

  • Judging shopper interest in a potential new product or service
  • Understanding what shoppers like and dislike about the purchase experience
  • Learning which messages and merchandising resonate with shoppers
  • Understanding shopper search, evaluation and purchase behavior
  • Evaluating consumer satisfaction with the total shopper experience

Infosurv takes extraordinary measures to ensure validity, reliability and bias reduction in all projects, whether we design a survey for you from scratch or use a survey that you have used before. Our goal is to help you get sound and information that will help you improve your retail business.

Learn More About Retail Market Research From Infosurv

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