Author: Kyle Burnam

Kyle Burnam is the CEO of Infosurv and the leader of its sister company, Intengo, where he oversees all client research and R&D projects. Having been in the industry since 2005, Kyle brings a wealth of experience to the table and an innovative eye to every project.

Infosurv News, Insider Blog

Over thirty years ago, PNC began their whimsical holiday tradition of calculating the cost of Christmas, as defined by the twelve gifts in the Christmas Carol, “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” The total this year comes in at a whopping $34,558.65. But that’s a less than 1% increase over last year, although the total price […]

Insider Blog, Methodology

Let’s face it. Surveys are getting a bad name. Despite having served marketers well for decades as a valuable tool, the quality of many survey research projects has decreased, and the entire field has come under attack by marketing scientists and academics. Declining response rates caused by concerns for privacy and general lack of public […]

Insider Blog, Marketing Research, Virtual Reality

One of the biggest challenges for new product marketing research has been how to effectively, and realistically describe or simulate the new product or service through text and image descriptions, or through expensive test markets and prototyping. Technology is revolutionizing this aspect of new product development marketing research through the application of virtual and augmented […]

Incentives, Insider Blog, Survey Design

As purchasing power increasingly moves to Millennials, so they will become the primary subjects of most companies, and hence most marketing research. The differences between Millennials and earlier generations are widely documented: they are digital natives, social media is their milieu, they are delaying marriage, children, and homeownership, and their values are very different, with […]

Artificial Intelligence, Insider Blog, Survey Design, User Experience

The respondent of the future will be a digital native. According to Felix Rios, of ESOMAR, “These shoppers of tomorrow arrive fully wired. They pinch to zoom instinctively. They learned to communicate their ideas in 140 characters and share their thoughts and opinions without being asked to do it. They grew up watching videos that […]

Insider Blog, Mobile, Survey Design

To scroll or not to scroll? Is that the question? There is some debate in the user experience industry over scrolling vs. flipping pages. And that debate has spilled over to marketing research. Should we design our surveys with discrete pages that each respondent must flip, or should we just let respondents scroll from one […]

Insider Blog, Marketing Research, Survey Design

More than a decade ago, several bright minds in the marketing research world did some research-on-research and decided that 20 minutes was the right length for a survey. Balancing response rates, data quality, and respondent engagement, 20 minutes was the winner. So that’s what we did. We based all our evaluation criteria on achieving a […]

Insider Blog, Marketing Research, Mobile

Marketing Research industry expert and prognosticator Ray Poynter caused a stir in research years when he proclaimed that the future of marketing did not include surveys. Because surveys are the most prevalent data collection methodology in marketing research, this statement was extremely provocative. But are surveys so prevalent merely because they are the tool of […]

Customer Experience, Insider Blog

While a long-term topic of discussion in the marketing research world, there does seem to be general agreement that it’s not a question of which is better, but rather that both are valuable for different kinds of information. The challenge has long been in interpreting the qualitative, or verbatim information, especially with the structure of […]