Author: Kyle Burnam

Kyle Burnam is the CEO of Infosurv and the leader of its sister company, Intengo, where he oversees all client research and R&D projects. Having been in the industry since 2005, Kyle brings a wealth of experience to the table and an innovative eye to every project.

C-Suites, Corporate Culture, Insider Blog, Leadership, Servant Leadership

Can anyone become a servant leader? The short answer is “Yes.” One of the tenets of servant leadership is that anyone can become a servant leader and that servant leadership can be learned and coached. According to Larry C. Spears, former president of the Robert K. Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership, in his book, Practicing […]

C-Suites, Corporate Culture, Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog, Leadership, Servant Leadership

Recently, we posted a blog that showcased servant leadership in organizations: Servant Leadership in Action: Two Great Examples. In our previous blog, we featured two B2C companies that are well-known, Southwest Airlines and Chick-fil-A. However, because there are many stellar examples of servant leadership in the marketplace, we decided also to give you an example […]

C-Suites, Corporate Culture, Insider Blog, Leadership

Traditional management and leadership theory put the leader at the top of the pyramid, with all others supporting the layer above them. Servant Leadership, on the other hand, turns the pyramid upside down: instead of the people working to support and serve the leader, the leader exists to serve the people. That does not mean […]

C-Suites, Corporate Culture, Insider Blog, Leadership

Servant Leadership is a potentially powerful leadership model for all types of organizations and businesses. The precepts are relatively simple and can be tailored and customized to the organization. One great example of Servant Leadership in action is Chick-fil-A. The fast food giant’s phenomenal growth has caught the media’s attention. As reported in Forbes, “Chick-fil-A […]

C-Suites, Corporate Culture, Insider Blog, Leadership

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” As with many quotes attributed to famous business leaders, that quote may or may not have first been said by Peter Drucker. Regardless of attribution, is it true? Does culture eat strategy for breakfast? Absolutely. And lunch and dinner, too. The business landscape is littered with examples of brilliant strategy […]

C-Suites, Corporate Culture, Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog, Leadership

If you search Google for “Employee Engagement,” you will get more than 26 million hits. And yet, for all the words written and speeches given, Employee Engagement numbers have not improved as much or as quickly as one might expect. Gallup, in its annual State of the American Workforce report, has been tracking trends in […]

C-Suites, Corporate Culture, Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog, Leadership

For the past months, the Infosurv Insider has been writing extensively about Employee Engagement and what the C-suite needs to know. One topic we have yet to explore has a lot of promise for unlocking the challenge of Employee Engagement. Servant Leadership is, according to the Servant Leadership Institute, “a set of behaviors and practices […]

C-Suites, Corporate Culture, Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog, Leadership

In nature, animals form life-long relationships with other animals to exist. These are called symbiotic relationships and they come in three varieties: mutually beneficial (called mutualism), relationships where one organism benefits and the other is harmed (called parasitism) and relationships where one organism benefits and the other neither benefits nor is harmed (call commensalism). What […]