Author: Kyle Burnam

Kyle Burnam is the CEO of Infosurv and the leader of its sister company, Intengo, where he oversees all client research and R&D projects. Having been in the industry since 2005, Kyle brings a wealth of experience to the table and an innovative eye to every project.

C-Suites, Insider Blog, Leadership

The business world watched in fascination over the last several months as Uber devolved into a lawsuit-wracked, PR nightmare. This culminated recently with its CEO (or should we say CEBro?) taking a leave of absence (to “grow up”) and ultimately being forced to resign by several major investors. The tech world seems to be full […]

C-Suites, Corporate Culture, Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog, Leadership

The employee engagement and customer satisfaction literature loves to simplify the topic by giving the impression that creating engagement and loyalty are easy. Just stop doing what your customers don’t like, and make your employees feel trusted and empowered and the profits simply flow into your bank accounts. However, Greg Apirian argues otherwise in his […]

C-Suites, Corporate Culture, Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog, Leadership

It is seductively simple to create categories that summarize characteristics of groups of people. We do this in politics, in marketing, and socially. “Millennials like this.” “Boomers like that.” “Republicans support this.” “People who buy this product do that.” Generalizations help us make sense of the world around us and make life easier. In marketing, […]

C-Suites, Insider Blog, Leadership

What’s a blind spot? Technically, the blind spot is where the optic nerve leaves the retina to send signals to your brain. Because there are no sensors for visual information at that point, it is physically your blind spot. There’s also the blind spot in your car. As the driver, there is a zone outside […]

C-Suites, Corporate Culture, Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog, Leadership

You have undoubtedly heard that old saw, “You can’t see the forest for the trees.” Unfortunately, that’s how many organizations operate: as if they were a bunch of trees, rather than a unified forest. And it seems to be even more true of older and larger businesses. Another term for this is “silos, as explained […]

C-Suites, Insider Blog, Leadership

Managers and executives often have the sneaking suspicion that they do not spend their time effectively. Instead of focusing on the large, strategic initiatives designed to drive the business forward, they spend their time on smaller, tactical, and even insignificant tasks. Michael Mankins, in the Harvard Business Review, reports on research undertaken by The Economist […]

Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog, Service Profit Chain

As we have written in previous blogs, the Service Profit Chain first hypothesized in 1994 by Heskett, Jones, Loveman, Sasser and Schlesinger in the Harvard Business Review has become a mainstay of well-managed, successful companies. One of the fundamental conditions of the Service Profit Chain is a focus on Internal Service Quality.What is Internal Service […]

Insider Blog, Marketing Research, Methodology

Many researchers refer to the responses to open-ended survey questions as qualitative research. But are they truly qualitative? Qualitative research is primarily exploratory research to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations for consumer behavior. It can also provide insights into the research problem or develop hypotheses for testing in subsequent quantitative research. […]

Insider Blog, Marketing Research, Methodology

Please stop lying (and we’re not addressing politicians). One of the biggest challenges marketing researchers face is actually getting the truth out of survey respondents. Unfortunately, no one knows the full extent of dishonesty among survey takers. (After all, if you’ve already lied on a survey, what’s stopping you from lying about lying?) As reported […]