Author: Lenni Moore

Lenni Moore is the Director of Operations at Infosurv. She’s always been passionate about fostering strong professional relationships. It’s precisely these relationships that allow her to exceed her clients’ expectations because she knows exactly what they want and then leverages her experience to get it for them.

Customer Satisfaction Research, Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog, Uncategorized

“Take care of your employees, and they will take care of your guests, and your business will take care of itself.” That quote from J. W. Marriott is often used to demonstrate the power of engaging employees. More recently in 2008, Heskett, Jones and Loveman conducted research on many companies and wrote in the Harvard […]

Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog

“There are only three measurements that tell you nearly everything you need to know about your organization’s overall performance: employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and cash flow. It goes without saying that no company, small or large, can win over the long run without energized employees who believe in the mission and understand how to achieve […]

Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog, Uncategorized

Employee engagement surveys use many of the same tools we use in general marketing research. There is, however, a very important difference: employees and their relationship with your company are different from your customers and their relationship with your company. Not to overstate the obvious, but that difference means that employee engagement research should be handled […]

Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog

What are you planning to focus on in 2017? You probably identified many challenges in 2016: improve sales, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, increase profitability, increase productivity, reduce employee turnover, and much, much more. It can be overwhelming! You must prioritize; but how? Regardless of 2017 trends or what happened in 2016, focusing on employees […]

Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog

It’s hard to argue against increasing employee engagement. Research repeatedly shows that companies with more engaged employees have higher customer satisfaction, lower turnover and attrition, greater customer loyalty, and better financial performance. What’s not to love? So it is not surprising that there has been a surge in the number of companies measuring employee engagement. […]

Insider Blog

Calendar Shock! What is it? It’s that feeling of sudden disorientation when you walk into a retail store and see Christmas decorations when it’s 95 degrees outside. Or back-to-school promotions in June. When your friends are talking about what stores they are going to hit on Black Friday while you haven’t even made plans for […]

Insider Blog, Uncategorized

Millennials in the workplace. Target marketing to Millennials. What Millennials like and what they don’t like. Many in the generations before Millennials (the Boomers and Gen X) are getting tired of hearing about the Millennials. One of the good things about generational research is that there’s always another one coming along. And even though many […]


One of the key trends in consumer marketing research right now is to measure emotions and connect them to behavior. So we’re hearing a lot about neuromarketing research, about biometrics, and other measures of emotional response to marketing stimuli. This is a very promising area of research – after all we know that emotions motivate […]

Insider Blog, Marketing Research

The final topic in our Keep It Short and Simple (KISS) marketing research series, concept tests are a very common type of marketing research project. Concept tests are basically conducted to evaluate consumer response to an idea before it is introduced to the market. Drilling down, concept tests can be used to: develop the original […]