Author: Kyle Burnam

Kyle Burnam is the CEO of Infosurv and the leader of its sister company, Intengo, where he oversees all client research and R&D projects. Having been in the industry since 2005, Kyle brings a wealth of experience to the table and an innovative eye to every project.

Artificial Intelligence, Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog

Traditionally, the collection, processing, and production of HR analytics have been a manual (or at best semi-automated) and slow process. Considering the wide range of responsibilities that HR leads, including finding the right talent for the right job, compensation and benefits, managing employee development and training, tracking and managing the workforce, managing employee engagement, internal […]

Insider Blog, Methodology, Survey Design

If you’re starting a customer tracking survey today, you’re probably going to go with an online survey methodology. Assuming you have your customers’ email contact information, that is a great, cost-efficient approach. However, what do you do if you have a tracking survey that has been running for years – even decades! – using a […]

Customer Satisfaction Research, Insider Blog, Marketing Research

Every article you can find about trends in marketing research includes technological advances that yield more and more data: artificial intelligence, automated online surveys, mobile, cloud computing, data analytics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and behavioral economics. According to Leonard Murphy, executive editor, and producer at GreenBook, and senior partner with Gen2 Advisors, these technologies […]

Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog

Many companies conduct employee research for critical reasons: to track the impact of their actions, to see how they are doing, and to identify areas where they need to improve. However, a slavish devotion to trending might lead to your survey becoming seriously out-of-date. The workplace is changing rapidly – as are all areas of […]

Customer Experience, Insider Blog

Superior customer experience is being touted as the key competitive advantage for businesses in the future. Some estimate that by the year 2020, customer experience will be more important than price and product in creating brand differentiation. Even now, 86% of customers will pay more for a better customer experience. You must believe that your […]

Insider Blog, Marketing Research, Sample

Technology is a wonderful thing, and it can be quite fairly stated that it and people’s nearly ubiquitous access to the internet have completely – and rapidly – transformed survey research. Marketing researchers and social scientists can field surveys across social media platforms, via mobile devices, to online panels. Alas, there is also a downside […]

Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog

Employee engagement is big business. Companies spend over $700 million annually in employee engagement programs and a lot that is spent on measuring and tracking employee attitudes and behaviors. So, it is surprising, and disappointing, that some employee surveys either receive very low response rates or are not acted on by companies. An employee survey […]

Customer Experience, Insider Blog

Solvvy, the AI and machine learning customer service platform, recently commissioned a survey and produced an infographic titled “The Building Blocks of Customer Experience.” In this infographic, Solvvy shows how four areas drive the customer experience: Brand Perception, Brand Interaction, CX Friction, and Issue Resolution. For each of these, Solvvy presented supporting information, summarized here: […]

Insider Blog, Sample

Have any of these situations ever happened to you? You’re reading an article and are just getting interested when – BAM! – you’re asked to pay to finish the article. You’re playing a free online game, and you’re so close to unlocking the next level when – POP! – you’re asked to pay for a […]