Author: Kyle Burnam

Kyle Burnam is the CEO of Infosurv and the leader of its sister company, Intengo, where he oversees all client research and R&D projects. Having been in the industry since 2005, Kyle brings a wealth of experience to the table and an innovative eye to every project.

Insider Blog

When you think of holidays that Marketers love, the Fourth of July may not pop to mind like Christmas, Halloween, and Easter. However, Independence Day ranks right up there as people eat, drink, and celebrate the good old US of A. Here are some captivating statistics you can drop into the conversation at your July […]

Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog

A recent survey by Axios found that Millennials are the most likely generation to say that Boomers have made things worse for their generation, with 51% of Millennials agreeing. Gen Xers are also likely to blame the Boomers, with 42% saying that Boomers have made things worse for them. With these three Generations dominating the […]

Insider Blog, Marketing Research

Marketing researchers generally think in terms of projects. After all, most of what we do is project management: figuring out what needs to be done to answer business questions, putting all the pieces (e.g., sample, questionnaire, data collection, analysis) together properly, dealing with the fires that pop up, and then finally, answering the questions. Further, […]

Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog

While most executives have bought into Employee Engagement at the conceptual level, not all executives are completely sold on the reality of it. In spite of the 2015 Conference Board study indicating Employee Engagement being a priority for corporations, employee engagement levels have not changed that much on average. Gallup has found that only about […]

Customer Experience, Customer Satisfaction Research, Insider Blog

In the olden days, there was customer satisfaction. It was measured on a five-point scale, from “very satisfied” to “very dissatisfied.” And it was good. Marketers responded by identifying and addressing the variables that made more customers more satisfied. Then researchers discovered that, while satisfaction was okay, it did not tell us anything about customer […]

Insider Blog, Marketing Research, Sample

In Part 1 of this two-part series, we talked about the problem of sample quality afflicting the marketing research industry. Using ESOMAR’s recent publication, we highlighted six tips that should result in better sample quality. Now, we continue the discussion with an additional seven tips. While we all know that no one gets rich by being […]

Insider Blog, Sample

While no one in marketing research likes to talk about it, sample quality is a huge issue. Both in terms of sourcing sample and subsequently getting responses from qualified respondents, the industry as a whole is struggling. And while, especially for online sample, the number of companies managing and selling panel sample has increased, as […]

Customer Experience, Customer Satisfaction Research, Insider Blog

There is much focus on customer experience in marketing these days and for a good reason. Gartner predicts customer experience will be the main battleground for competing companies over the next two years. And a recent study published in the Harvard Business Review found in transaction-based businesses customers who had the best experiences spent 140% […]

Employee Engagement Research, Insider Blog

Answer this quickly! Which would you prefer: an engaged employee or a satisfied employee? Most of you will say you would rather have an engaged employee. Moreover, that is not surprising. Managers used to focus on employee satisfaction then in 2011 and 2012; research discovered the link between employee engagement and high productivity, innovation, and […]